

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024年11月30日 12:32     來源:中國(guó)新聞網(wǎng)


  The 2024 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit was held in Wuzhen, east China’s Zhejiang Province. In recent years, the transformation of traditional industries by the "Internet Plus" mode has spawned many new business forms, allowing more people to enjoy the fruits brought by the development of the internet.

  How can China's rural governance and agricultural production development embrace the "Internet Plus" development mode? How will the emergence of new business forms help China's rural areas contribute to the development of China's economy? In response to these questions, Chen Jing, director of Research Center for Technology Innovation and professor at School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, pointed out in the latest W.E. Talk that cyber governance will greatly improve the social effectiveness of rural governance, attracting more entities to join the governance process. 

  He further added that by empowering agricultural production, e-commerce and rural tourism, internet technologies will help the rural economy achieve better development. (Xue Lingqiao)


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